Howto solve Microsoft Edge taking massive CPU in Citrix Desktop
If you happen to be like me and want to get rid of Chrome asap, check the point below for any Citrix environment to make sure your dekstop does not explode (CPU-wise)
My reason to be still sort of an early adopter for my usual careful self is:
- to have one headache less and be safer in regard of keeping your tenants data in your Microsoft 365 cloud and not somehow synced to Google
- to improve user experience in accessing corporate data with the cool new bing search (this shows your clouddata in the serachresults if you configure it that way)
Microsoft Edge taking all of it
Problem is, as you can see in the printscreen above, Microsoft Edge takes a lot, like really A LOT, of cpu. Cause of this, it hooks itself on the Citrix API’s. The problem is known, and there is a solution for it with a KnowledgeBAse Article from citrix
The core of the solution is to add the the following value:
Key: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\CtxUvi
Value Name: UviProcessExcludes
Type: REG_SZ
Value: badapp1.exe;badlongname.ex;badapp2.exe;msedge.exe
- You must reboot the VDA to have the changes take effect.
- There is a 14 character limit on the process names – this means to exclude an application named “badlongname.exe” you would add “badlongname.ex”.
- The UviProcessExcludes key does not support wild cards.
- The registry will already exist on XenDesktop/XenApp 7.14.1 and newer VDAs so additional applications can be appended with a semicolon delimiter.