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About me – technical

My name is Roman Jucker, and i work as a Cloud Solution Architect for Swiss IT Professional AG, located in Winterthur – Switzerland.
My main focus at work lies on Desktop Virtualization (Citrix) and Cloud Journeys with all the surrounding topics to complete a modern and secure workplace, hence the name of the program here 

Quickly find information on Office 365, Azure, Citrix Cloud, Licensing, useful Tools, Scripts, Configuration Examples, Customization, HowTo’s and much more.

If you are interested in my full bio and certifications, see below

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Latest Blogs

Why you need Enterprise Mode Site List Manager (Redirect IE11 in Microsoft Edge Tab)

Up next, IE11sites.xml for security and user comfort As we all know, IE11 is dead. Not seex feet under yet, but we’ll get thereThis post will happen soon, it’s said[…]

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FSLOGIX instead of UPM, but do it proper/basic

What I am giving you here is links to well known people in the EUC, so you can decide yourself on what to do with your FSLOGIX profiles. For me,[…]

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Howto solve Microsoft Edge taking massive CPU in Citrix Desktop

If you happen to be like me and want to get rid of Chrome asap, check the point below for any Citrix environment to make sure your dekstop does not[…]

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Howto help users register for MFA and Self Service Password Reset (SSPR)

Easy, show em this.At least 60% of your staff can do it on their own -> they can download Apps on their smartphones and register for them, they WhatsApp and[…]

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Howto fix «No Remote Desktop Licensing Server available»

But it used to work fine up until yesterday, panicmode starts setting in, i need to rollout this new release they want on their Citrix Cloud Desktop, and i can’t[…]

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Howto enable Microsoft Teams for your tenant ?

You just can’t find this switch to enable Microsoft Teams for your tenant. This is frustrating, you know there is a switch, because you have enabled Teams for several of[…]

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